Anyway, we took a mini-vacation at the beginning of this week to the beach and had a great time. I was anxious, but it was definitely better than expected. The baby loved all the extra outdoors time and the extra attention from two parents. She did fine staying up past her bedtime for dinners out and she slept okay in the indispensible pac n play. I loved seeing her so happy all day long, and of course enjoying the beach myself and time with El Esposo (I think I'm changing his name back to LCD, by the way). Little A can be pretty fearless and loved the excitement of waves coming toward her and then jumping over them with daddy. In this case it was all fun and games until someone got a faceful of salt water.
Unfortunately most of the excitement happened before I went to get my camera, but here are a few shots to show we were really there.

Playin' frisbee, greased-up hair due to sunscreen (Little A is so over wearing anything on her head)

Baby's first whac-a-mole, or in this case whac-a-shark

Pool time
Looks like so much fun! We are headed to the grand canyon this next weekend. I haven't been camping in 15 years. This should be interesting.
I like that chris is only partially visible in each picture. it keeps you guessing.
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