13 November 2008

Motivation . . . or "I'll see you in Hell"

I'm thinking about adding this phrase to the end of all polite written/email requests I send, just to give them a little more context. "Please get back to me by COB Tuesday or I'll see you in Hell." It's all in good fun, of course. Or is it?

El Esposo and I were especially thinking about ending our latest addendum (#4) to a certain contract (the one we've been waiting on since August 3rd) with the words "Or we'll see you in hell," right after the new deadline. You know something like, "Respond by X date or we'll see you in Hell." What do you think? Would that motivate you? Maybe I could soften it with a smiley face :-).


Steve said...

I like it and will probably make people more timely for meetings!

Joy said...

I like it too.

Unknown said...

no time for thinking, just do it...or I'll see you in hell! :-)

modestmuse said...

I think you could get even more foreboding/creepy if you add an evil smiley >;) at the end.

What the ... sometimes I am surprised at the word verifications, and I have to include them in my comment. This one is "metoxin." Sounds like some sort of euthanasia drug.

OK, even weirder! It wouldn't accept it when I typed it, and now it wants me to type "adioti." Sounds a little too much like blogger's trying to insult me.