30 January 2012

The Instigator

Definitely still his best album.

But, speaking of instigators, I'm starting to get a glimpse into Little A's future. A few days ago at playgroup, she goaded two other two-year-olds into playing in the mud with her. By the way, we were not dressed for it. I thought playgroup would be inside since it rained that morning, but it got moved. Since I know my child, I thought things might get messy, but I did not want to deprive her of the chance to play and interact with others. And so, after repeatedly trying to get her to stay out of puddles, I relented when she was on the other side of the playground from me and I was sitting comfortably. She kept telling the other two (both boys, I might add) "Come on!" At first they hesitated, but eventually they were all jumping and covered in muddy water. Oh well, the joys of childhood, right?

One of the other moms commented, "I can just see Little A being the ringleader of her friends when she's older."

"Oh no," I suddenly had a thought. "I hope she doesn't convince them to do anything illegal." Bad Influence!


abby said...

mj you were the ringlinger leader of our little group of friends so like mother like daughter. When I saw her on Saturday, I had a thought pop into my head she'll probably be popular. Good luck with that.

I still want you to name baby brother Rhett.

Joy said...

I second the name Rhett.

mj said...

I think it's kind of a cool name, actually. But I don't think I can quite bring myself (and Chris) to do it. Still, it's in the back of my mind so you never know . . .