06 February 2012

Random kid stuff

I'm 90% sure we're signing up Little A for preschool next year. We went to visit a couple recently and she was in LOVE with the idea of preschool after that. She would be in a 2 1/2 yr old class, which is kind of pre-preschool (meaning not much curriculum). I felt conflicted about it for a while since I first had the idea as a way to SAVE money since the hourly rate for preschool is less than that of a babysitter and I do have to get her babysat a couple times during the week when I am working. But my work is so very unpredictable that there are bound to be times she is going to preschool while I am bringing in approximately squat $. But I think we have finally settled on it being worth it anyway, partially because Little A loves other kids but has very little concept of how to interact with the ones that are actually her age and that don't see everything she does as automatically "cute." And because of a little something I like to call discipline fatigue.

Also, I realized today that I am six weeks away from my official due date (which I think is off by a few days, but whatever I'm in the ballpark) for baby brother. To my surprise, even though we technically aren't ready (no diapers, no clothes, house in shambles, etc.), I kind of feel ready for this. I am not scared out of my mind like I thought I would be. I know it's a whole new ballgame with two, but I feel like I waded through a lot of crap to get to where I can feel confident that I am not a horrible parent. Sure my kids will bear some scars from my mistakes, but I think they will be okay. And sure I will be a wrecked, tired, bumbling fool for at least the first six weeks (if not six months), but I've done this before. This is probably just my mood of the moment, but I think I will let it be for a while.

I just ordered LCD a couple CDs for his birthday. Is that even a legitimate thing to do anymore?

1 comment:

abby said...

lcd is old school so I'm sure he'll love the cds.

I think preschool will be good for you and #2. At least you can bond without little a running around.