01 January 2012


. . . that the U.S. should reduce worldwide pollution through something, something blah blah blah." That's the best I can remember our theme when I was on debate team in high school a million years ago. It just came back to my mind. Yeah, I was a little nerdy. But I kind of wish I had fully embraced the nerdiness instead of being so unsure of who I was, but I guess that's what being a teenager is about.

Anecdote aside, this post is really about my resolutions this year. I like new beginnings and resolutions and despite that it is cooler to be cynical, I am not particularly cynical about them--nerdiness shining through, I guess.

So internets this year, I want to:

1) Be a more "zen" mom -- I don't mean discipline-free by any means, just no shouting, less getting exasperated, more accepting of myself and the crazy ball of energy that is my wonderful kid (and the fact that we aren't the same as some other mom/child).

2) Focus more on my spirituality.

3) Have a better birth and post-partum experience with #2 (since there's only so much I can do, I should probably just say "handle it better whatever happens," but I'm hopeful for more than that).

Okay, I think that's enough. Only three things, but they are all a really big deal to me, so I think it's plenty.

Happy 2012 to everyone.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Great resolutions. And those are really big ones. I have a resolution to not yell and the start of every week. Only because I need to make that resolution every week. Happy New Year!