I know you're already excited based on the title. I could probably write a thrilling blog called Life in a 1970's Townhouse and this would be one of the star posts, if there could be such a thing on such a blog in such a universe as this one.
Anyway, it's taken up a lot of our life lately, so . . . ready or not, here it is, you can't hide. The top five things I learned from our recent dismantling, cleaning, and remantling of half of the basement.
1. Based on LCD's hands, working with waterproofing cement on a cinderblock surface can lead to leprosy.
2. Studs, at least the ones in the walls of our basement, are much less formidable than I previously imagined. They are just a thin strip of metal and they are only bolted into place at the top so once we had all the dry wall and wall insulation down they just kind of hung there and moved around quite easily.
3. If you're hacking away at a piece of drywall and the nearby lights suddenly get a lot brighter and flicker, it does not necessarily mean you are electrocuted or that you just hit a wire. In fact, we're still not totally sure what that meant.
4. Masks of any kind covering my mouth and nose still really, really bug me. I'm a total claustrophobe about it. I still wore one anyway to protect the 7 month old fetus from spores, but if we ever have a serious disease epidemic where everyone walks around with masks on, I may be the one that hyperventilates to death. Here's hoping I don't need an oxygen mask when I deliver baby #2.
5. This has nothing to do with home improvement, but I don't think it needs it's own post, so I'm hiding it here. It's a question, actually, and the question is Why won't Zooey Deschanel leave me alone? She's all indie-pop Christmas albuming, then she's all over the dang Winnie the Pooh soundtrack that I get to hear all the time. And, okay, I can handle those things, and she's not actually bad at them. And just like everyone who's ever been single and in a dead-end relationship, I liked 500 Days of Summer. But why oh why does her terrible new sitcom have to show up on hulu after I watch a show that's somewhat entertaining, and why can't I stop from watching that awfulness? I'm thinking of giving in and becoming a Zooey superfan just like I did with Shia LeBouf a few years ago. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
*Half of this post was composed with a two-year-old jumping on me, so just keep that in mind.