03 October 2011

And so it begins

I'm doing a lot of editing this month, some of which is quite intense and science-y. Little A is getting more babysitter time. I always miss her at first when I drop her off and then the time just flies and I'm worried I'm going to be late picking her up. Today she started whimpering when I picked her up to go home because she didn't want to stop playing. We've been wondering when Little A would stop being so sweet and lovey to us all the time (we really are spoiled in that area). So far she asserts her independence but still wants us around and seems to prefer mommy and daddy to anyone else. But, she's starting to get more interested in separate play. It's pretty weird that her babyhood will officially end in two months.

Really I should share some pics of our recent trip to KC. Maybe someday.

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