10 March 2011

15 months of baby love

Really, we're still counting? Yes.

Today my sweet baby was subjected to ridiculous numbers of vaccines, including the MMR, known widely as the one that causes Autism, except that it doesn't. I know it's ridiculous, but there is a miniscule part of me that still thinks what if? I mean, I believe science and all but it's not like science has never been wrong before. Anyway, she also got a Chicken Pox vaccine, which means no pock-marked rite of passage for her. Some day I can imagine myself telling her about "my day" when kids got chicken pox and nobody got to watch movies in the car.

She was pretty clingy for the latter half of the day, but really sweet about it, giving me lots of hugs and later pointing at the bandaids on her legs and saying "ow" ever-so-daintily. She calls me "mimi" which I kind of want to freeze in time. It is sooooooo cute. She also kept saying "a-bell-a" today as it rained all. day. long.

Here's her teensy tiny stats:
Length/height = 28.5 inches (around 5%)
Weight = 18 lbs 7 ounces (around 2%)
Head = 18.25 inches (around 65%)

I know a lot of people are not huge fans of this stage of still getting into everything and starting to throw little tantrums and let's not forget fussing and crying the entire time you make dinner. But other than the few moments where I almost lose it when she dumps her food all over the floor that we just scrubbed down the night before, I love it. She gives hugs all the time and kisses sometimes and loves to read read read. She climbs on top of me and giggles her face off. We chase each other around the house. She calls me "mimi." She loves to play outside and runs like a wild woman across the grass fields. Basically, it's awesome.

And now I better get back to what I'm supposed to be doing tonight. Not exactly thrilling, but it pays a lot more per hour than blogging.


Amanda C. said...

15 months was my favorite age for Hunter. He was so cute! So, I totally understand. It really is the best time. They know enough to say what they want but don't know all the options so they are ok with the few they have. It's the best.

Steve said...

You are on the cusp of the fun time. When Scarlett hit 13-15 months, she actually started me fun, ha. She got her 2 year shots this week, she hardly cried, but happily ate her reward cookie, ha. My favorite part of the day is getting home and playing with her and now she can (sort of) tell me about her day. I wish she would stay this age forever.

Unknown said...

I'm excited for hugs from Little Mister :)