06 January 2009

No I did not catch a glimpse of the President-elect from the window this morning

But several of my coworkers did.

Obama's transition team HQ is in the building across the street, which appears as drab as ours. I heard the rumor of Obama arriving from my cubicle, but did not clamor at the window across the room. It's a long walk and I'm not very fond of clamoring. Maybe later this week. Or maybe I'll run into him at Subway or Potbelly. Wreck on wheat?


Unknown said...

Funny, just a few years ago it was no big deal to see him around town. Not that I ever saw him personally. Wasn't his office in some trailer or way back in the dingy dark corner of the worst Senate space when he started? Maybe that was just a rumor. Well, look at him now...er, I guess you didn't, but well the celeb status thing is a bit odd.

Steve said...

Eh, I figure I've got at least the next four years to see him; although I did see him leave Abby's building one day!

Joy said...

You're lucky. W was across the street, I didn't even bother to peek out the window.

abby said...

The funny thing is that Abby never got to see Obama even though he was in the same building as her. Since Holder is on his way to AG, I won't see Obama wandering these hallowed halls anymore. Does smirking at Eric Holder count in DC celebrity sitings? I saw some huge motorcade on Penn Ave when I was leaving work yesterday so that must have been the VIP crew.