02 May 2008

boating fun

El esposo and I have not been doing anything that exciting lately. Partially because I've been stressed out and busy: job interviews, paperwork, lesson plans, grading, educating myself on home buying. There hasn't been that much time for fun. Which is dumb, actually. Fun is underrated I think. But last weekend we took some time to go camping. One of the highlights was rowboating. Watch as the pictures plus a few brief captions tell the story . . .

LCD rowing happily as we leave the shore

Me relaxing while LCD rows happily. Later my skin would take on a hue similar to my shirt. We forgot the sunscreen. Also, though my expression is slightly odd in this picture, it would later take on my patented look of frustration which you will simply have to imagine. That is because the rowing got really hard. It was especially really stinking hard in the shallow areas. Both of us had a hard time turning the boat around when on the edge of the lake. And I've been working out and everything! Well . . . once a week for the arms, but that's much better than usual.

Later we discover why rowboating was so much harder than we thought it would be:

LCD flashes his look of irony and defeat as he reveals the concrete slab of an anchor that had been in the water the whole time. Curses!

And thus, we turn the corner to Easy Street (job search over, one class to go), having survived five months of marriage. I think FUN is about to pick up.


Steve said...

I think the caption for that last picture should be "Wha-wa-waaaaaaa".

I'm amazed you got anywhere with the anchor down, haha. It's stories like this that make marriage fun. I should tell you the story about driving through Switzerland!

Unknown said...


abby said...


I'm sure both you and lcd had a great upper body work out.

I hope I can join you next time you guys go camping (with some other friends of course because having 3 of us on a camping trip would be weird).

I still sometimes look for you at Pentagon but you're never there and now you won't be there anymore. I almost called you yesterday but remembered you were at school. C'est La Vie!

Joy said...

That's awesome.

Whereabouts did you go camping?

modestmuse said...

You guys are awesome! And clearly buff! I'm sorry you have to wear sunscreen. Er, I'm sorry you forgot to wear sunscreen. :) Congrats on the new/old job -- I hear ya, I'm a "temporary employee" right now, sort of like contracting, and I hope I can be hired on full time. Also, I have been collecting books from the freebie bin at work and I have a couple I got for you about buying foreclosed homes. When will we see you again?

mj said...

abz, we'll totally do an assateague or shenadoah trip

sherpa, i was not able to get off work early or even on time, actually, so we went barely outside the beltway to burke lake. it was kind of like practice camping.

muse, that's so stinkin' nice of you. i guess the actual answer to when will we see you again was "yesterday," but now i would say that AFTER this upcoming weekend's grading extravaganza, i am ready to party.

Amanda said...

I'm a new comer to the whole blog sence so I know I'm late in responding. But...

I laughed so hard I cried...two thumbs up for the romantic comedy of the year.