30 April 2008

meet the new job: same as the old job

i was raised on classic rock.

anyway . . . hooray! i just got hired! to do my same job!!! yup, it's true. but now i'm going to work for the main contractor instead of the subcontractor. those of you that know i have been looking for a new job, the path was circuitous, both winding and eventually a circle, and i found it! it was here all along . . .

it makes more sense than you think.


also i have a funny rowboating story but it works best with pictures and el esposo has all the pictures so i will have to hunt him down.


Joy said...


Steve said...

Congrats! Income is always a good thing! :)

Unknown said...

? Interesting way of finding something...new? old? I'm so confused because it's the same thing. Well, congratulations anyway. Maybe a better boss?

Unknown said...

oh, and I totally had that song in my head the second I read your headline...just like yesterday, so get on yer knees and prayyy. We won't go back again.

mj said...

The reason it's better is:

a) I am only committed to my current position for six more months and then can be transferred to something less mind-numbing/grueling

b) Big old raise and other lovely benefits