08 May 2008

Vinyl, baby

When I was in elementary school, 4th or 5th grade, I did an "independent study" on the music recording business for the nerdy/gifted class I was in. (Sidenote: this class basically saved my life as I was criminally shy and always felt uneasy in regular classes.) I studied how to make records. I remember going down to this big warehouse that was mostly devoted to manufacturing records and also had a recording studio, for this small-time recording company in Houston. I walked away with this big hunk of vinyl with a hole in the middle. It was like a record in embryo. So cool.

Yesterday, el esposo's co-worker GAVE us her old record player. So cool. She also gave us a pretty substantial record collection, which may be the oddest record collection ever. It's like nothing but B-sides, maybe C-sides, even. Basically, it's a lot of musak - translation: more boring versions of popular recordings as performed by more boring artists. However, there are some bizarre gems. El Esposo was particularly fond of this one:

Songs with the word "kiss" in the title as played on the electric harmonica. Oh yeah. How jealous are you?

1 comment:

modestmuse said...

I never knew that what I have heretofore called a "harmonica" was actually an "acoustic harmonica." Thank you for broadening my musical knowledge. That vinyl lump sounds cool. Do you still have it? It sounds like an awesome decoration. Or door-stopper. You've been rocktastic from the get-go.