10 November 2010

I love November

I was expecting to hate this month. I get really anxious about the darker days and being stuck inside, especially considering how depressed I was last winter ( = clinically so). But it has been lovely so far: sunny and not too cold and just beautiful and crisp with autumn all around us. I have played outside with my baby the last three days in a row and plan to keep it up. Also... baby swimming lessons started! And we are hosting Thanksgiving and I'm excited to get my hands on a turkey. I feel like we've just mooched for the past many years and I spend most of Thanksgiving standing around like a doofus. Not this year. Oh yeah, and who could forget HP7? Finally, I am thinking about little A's first birthday. We're not really doing a party but it just feels like such an accomplishment to have survived the year and have a happy baby to show for it. She's so happy lately!

Here's hoping December, January, and (ugh) February can keep being awesome.


abby said...

I love November. I got my first kiss in November. I love food, family and friends and to have them together with me at one meal makes me really happy. Plus Turkey's are cute and Christmas is only a month away. November is an awesome month. February and March I could live without.

December should be your favorite month for now.

Steve said...

I always like November, but it always goes so fast! And Thanksgiving IS better than Christmas in my book.

How have the baby swimming lessons gone? We never did that.

mj said...

Baby swimming lessons are fun, but I don't think she's actually going to learn to swim :-). She loves the water though. She takes marathon baths these days when we let her (mostly when it's daddy's turn).

modestmuse said...

Glad this month is going well so far. We will do our best to help make Dec., Jan. and especially Feb. fun -- we will be there, so play dates are in order!

mj said...

Yay! Can not wait, muse.