30 March 2010

Parenting is no longer kicking my you-know-what

Not that I've conquered it. But, I no longer feel thrown into the deep end without knowing how to swim (actually, it was more like a vat of pudding than just regular old water).

I can swim now. Maybe my strokes aren't the most elegant and maybe there is still a lot to learn before I can teach lessons, but I have at least mastered the doggy-paddle. And hallelujah to that. It is a lot.

Now I can watch with wonder as she does something new every day rather than WONDER how I'm going to solve the new dilemma of the day. I know I will solve it eventually or it will pass or we will at least deal with it. Whatever, yo.

Yesterday she tore her first page out of a magazine and crumpled it into a ball.

I think what helps the most now is how she looks at me. She's been smiley and cute for a while, but there's a new dimension to it recently--to her big moony saucer eyes. I think she loves me back.


leslie said...

ahh. this is the Most Adorable Post of the Day.

Amanda said...

That moment...the moment you don't feel like your just treading water but you are actually getting some where with out choking on the water. I know that feeling two times over and I distinctively remember the day that came. That is a blissful moment. I'm so glad it came for you. I'm sure you realize you'll still have those days where you will revert back to treading water but it will passing quickly. Things will continue to get better from where you are now.

Steve said...

Yes, that is a good day! You'll have more roller coaster ride days, but you've made it up and over the first hill and there isn't much more that can top that feeling!

mj said...

Hey Steve,

You're awesome. When I read other people's blogs when they have a new baby I'm like "Hi. Is parenting really easy for you and I just suck or something?" You're the only blogger I've seen that totally told it like it was at the beginning with your little SA. Unless of course it really is easy for everyone else and we are just both really slow . . .

Steve said...

I think it's called denial, haha. Those people just want to put on a happy face thinking 'if I pretend all is good, it will be.' Well, as we both now know, that isn't life with kids. Some days are easy, some are very hard. And sometimes the hard ones way outnumber the easy ones, ha. But I think people also don't say the 'bad' stuff b/c there isn't anything to do about it (you can't send them back, I've tried!) and after awhile you get so used to the bad stuff that it kind of becomes 'normal', haha. Then the good days are even better! But everyone has assured me, and based on my mere 14 months of experience, the older they get, the more or less easiness does come with it.