21 December 2008

Catch Up on Events

Happy Solstice! I am grateful that the sun shall start returning to us northerners now. Sorry southern hemisphere, but you had a good run.

Anyway, here's some stuff that has happened somewhat recently in no particular order:

We delve into the enigma that is Thomas Jefferson.

Brother and Sister-in-law shoot guns.

El Esposo goes for the ride of his life in Maw Maw and Paw Paw's front yard.

Handling our weapons.

We shop for tile.

We celebrate -- us.

Not pictured: I finally give in to the scorn and ridicule and go to the eye doctor to get some more contacts. And, we buy lots of painting supplies, a hot water heater, and a dishwasher.

-- Tomorrow's big adventure?

Merry Christmas! It's true us Christians co-opted the actual day from the Pagans, but why not? It is the first day the sun starts "heading back north" (aka the earth's axis starts to rotate that way). So it represents hope for all northern hemisphereans. Happy day of hope, northerners. Catch you on the flipside southerners? Or something.

1 comment:

Steve said...

That gun is bigger than you! Did you actually fire that cannon? And the pics with you two with the guns are like those "old fashined" pics you can get in like Jackson Hole and places, but MUCH scarier! haha.
Your celebration one is super cute though. Don't worry, the home improvements DO eventually ease up.