17 June 2008

Rocktastica is . . . born?

My little brother has issued a challenge. We are each to write a song entitled "I Ain't Afraid to Love You" (el esposo might get to play, too) by the time we meet for a family vaycay July 2. Then we play our songs. I don't know if it's a competition exactly, but if you wuss out (as we used to say circa 1990), you are a lo-ser.

I'm thinking about upping the ante and saying we have to upload a lo-fi version of our songs, which, incidentally, is starting to sound like a really cool use for a blog.


Possibly a blog called Rocktastica.

Anybody have a good idea for the logistics of such a blog--like where/how to post the audio files?

1 comment:

Steve said...

Blogger will actually allow you to upload your own videos. Obviously, not what you asked, but if they have that support, doing audio should be somewhere in their help section. One suggestion is to upload the audio file to any other server (geocities, your old blog) and then just link to it from here! Can't wait to hear it. You should also put up one of those polls and the public could vote as well!