23 July 2012

Lost my phone rant

Am I the only person left on the planet that doesn't want a smartphone? Okay, I get they are nifty and handy to have at times, but frankly LCD already has one and I already have two computers and am pretty much stuck at home a lot of the time (hello naptime) so we certainly don't need to be paying for one more monthly data plan.

Anyway, I lost my phone, which was a pretty good phone and had the added bonus of taking decent pictures. Plus you could not only open and close it, but totally swivel the top part and turn it around to make into an insta-camera. Not a great camera or anything but good for on-the-go moments where I wasn't ready with a real camera. It's what they used to call a "feature phone," which apparently doesn't exist anymore. Also it was virtually indestructible without looking ridiculous. And, finally, it was free.

So I lost it last week (on my dang birthday by the way) and at first I wasn't too worried because it's been a couple years so I was due an upgrade and I figured they probably have something even niftier now.

They don't.

Everything they have now has a less-impressive camera, is clunkier-looking, and is NOT free. Oh unless I want a smartphone, which they are giving away. For your firstborn. She can be a pain, but mostly I like her, so no.

I know, I may as well get some dentures, because I am living in a previous decade.

(Oh, my brother told me about Virgin Mobile plans for the smartphone-averse. Would have been a great idea if I hadn't recently locked myself in my contract for another year for some bonus minutes. Dang Verizon!)


modestmuse said...

You know, this reminds me that I have been contemplating whether to blog about the fact that I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT INSTAGRAM IS. I am a little too afraid to say that on Facebook, but my blog is my blog. I figure it must have something to do with iPhones since it looks like phone camera pics. I don't know. Good luck finding your new phone or getting another! I am fine with my work-issued (Instagram-less????) BlackBerry.

Amanda said...

Only three people I know instagram so we haven't jumped on the band wagon yet. And I just got a smartphone two days ago after not having a cell at all for the last two months. You know what I learned in the those last two months? I still had friends and I didn't die. I only got a smartphone because it's Jeff's old one because his new job is paying for a new one. T-mobile has month to month prepaid plans. I'm getting 1500 minutes or text and a little data for $30 a months. The down side is you have to pay for your phone but they do have some for less the $20. So, get a small phone, don't have a phone at all...the world will not end :)

abby said...

I still don't have a smartphone. I have a remedial phone. I can check the internet on it and I can check my email, but no apps for me.

Instagram is an app people use to make their pictures all retro and throw them on Facebook (FB actually owns Instagram).

I don't love my phone either and my contract is up with Verizon. However, I have been reluctant to get a smartphone. Like you I don't like the high data plan costs. You should also look into Smarttalk (you can buy them from Walmart). They have cheaper plans and basic phones, plus they are on the Verizon network. I've been thinking of switching to them.

Why did you sell your soul for more minutes? Most people don't use a phone for talking anymore. :)

Is that the phone you found at church years ago? They don't make them like the used to.

The reason I got text messaging is because you used to text me all the time and I realized it would be better to just get the plan. See you were ahead of the curve once upon a time. :)

Steve said...

The trick is do what we do, don't get a contract! We use pay as you go phones which allow the old, 2003 versions! Yay! I don't even use a calculator on a phone, I just need it to make phone calls.

Instagram is already passe! It is simply an app taken out of Photoshop that has existed for at least 7 years (I know, I have Photoshop 2005 and can do it there). But instead of buying photoshop, it's an app for your phone to make crappy pictures look old, therefore, not as crappy.

mj said...

Yeah, NOW everybody shows up with the good ideas. I knew the extra backup minutes deal was too good to be true. "I'll get you next time, Verizon. Next time . . ." (said in evil Dr. Claw voice)