01 December 2011

This year's anniversary

We went to see a play at the Shakespeare Theatre on Saturday. It was delightfully rendered and a fun escape, but da-ang if the travel time doesn't seem like a bigger deal when you're paying a babysitter. And today (the actual day) I'm cleaning the house. And I got him some flowers. And I picked a random picture of us to frame from the trip we took to Italy 2 1/2 yrs ago (see above). And we're going out to dinner WITH the child (see earlier reference to babysitting expense).

I'll share a secret with you guys: this is how my face looks in the first trimester with a girl:

Another secret: there are several photos that I look worse in than that one, but I am too vain to share. Luckily, it was not nearly so bad this time with the boy. Anyway, I definitely had to retouch (*cough* de-zit) the pic up top to make it look like I was not suffering from any plagues at the time. I mean, why spoil the memories?

I continue to be happily married and I wish that on everyone (if you want it, that is). A better partner for me, I could not possibly devise.

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