17 January 2008

Fruitless Toil

Gah. This image is destroying my brain. Is it the blue cog or the yellow cog? In the meantime, and if you're in the mood for a physics lesson, the source of this image is pretty interesting.

I was so set for today as my first day of teaching this night English Comp class. This morning, the force was with me. The bus and metro linked up perfectly to get me to the vicinity of my workplace nearly twenty minutes before I had to be there. Thus, I was able to stop by Kinkos and make copies of my syllabus, a literary terms list, and this passage from Anna Karenina that we were going to talk about tonight. Now, my opening night that I've been planning for the last two weeks, boring my adorable husband to tears, is nevah gonna happen. I was vaguely planning some over-the-top enthusiastic impassioned speech about literature and writing, so it might be that I deserve it.

It's a snow day. Some co-workers and I had this discussion today: Remember when snow days were a cause for rejoicing? Now there's always some kind of lame inconvenience or worse that comes with it. How I miss the days of delirious happiness over the simple fact that I got to sleep in. Back in the day before the MAN said, "well you're definitely not getting paid for this." So anyway . . . my intense preparation. Maybe fruitless toil is good for me. I'm in such a Russian mood. Maybe fruitless toil will save my philosophical soul (I'm not that philosophical--I was just channeling Roskolnikov).

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