24 January 2008

An apology to those who s-tumbled upon this blog OR Will the true Rocktastica Blogmaster please stand up?

So this blog is called Rocktastica. What it ought to be is some genre-specific zealously-full-of-info-and-rumours rock music blog. Probably it should be for women punk rockers. OR it should be a tongue-in-cheek quiet and sedate indie slow-core site. But it's not. It's the site of one more total slacker blogger who forgets to post when the most interesting things happen and thus it is full of leftovers from one more person's existence. Now realize I really like my existence and I would never put it down. I have a kick awesome husband and a nice collection of musical instruments in my living room. I could elaborate, but already it sounds pretty excellent, right? But life being great does not make for the most exciting posts, especially when you are a slacker, and I realize that. So here's what I'm going to do: If you stumble upon this blog and you have the wherewithal and the stamina to make something really wonderful out of it--it's yours. I bequeath it thee. Rocktastica. The Rock Angels sing its name. Just leave a comment explaining your vision right here on this ol' post.

But, until you come along, person with a beautiful vision and a willpower to see it through, I will babysit your blog. And sometimes I will talk about stuff.

1 comment:

abby said...

Even if you write on your blog occassionally, it's still fun to read it. I love it when Rocktastica is in bold on the RSS feed reader. You could write a review of your Rhett Miller concert last week. I too am a slacker poster if you ever read my blog.