01 October 2012

Six months (and some change)

Baby Bro is the cuddliest kid ever. I love it. I've been dropping Big Sis off at preschool and then breathing in his sweetness and getting some serious cuddle time in. Big Sis was never too cuddly until she was older (maybe 18 months). Here he is looking adorable:

After Daddy gave him a loud buzzy kiss (note LCD's new faux hawk).

Oh. His stats are pretty awesome. 97% head circumference. 5% for both height and weight. You can appreciate the gargantuan size of his head more when he looks down like this. 
 I think he looks a lot like a certain uncle in that photo.

And here he is looking more proportional.
 So yeah, it's not like he's a freak or anything. Dude's just got a big noggin.

And, for fun, here's Big Sis counting out all the pom poms she earned by making "good choices."
She got to trade them in for a toy.


Julie said...

oh i love to happen on your blog when you blog that day. i love big headed babies. i may be partial to them, in fact.

arianne said...

Both of your children are super good lookin'. Way to go, you two.