05 May 2010

5 monther

Yes, working from home with a baby is pretty hard. Luckily I had some babysitting help yesterday. But, thawing out the brain from its deep freeze is requiring some effort. You know, I can write and edit non-technical stuff too! Anyone want to give me a job not related to computer systems? Anyone? Listen to me, I can complain about anything. Wah freaking wah, I'm worse than little a.

In the meantime, enjoy some pics from little a's 5 month photo shoot. Very professional, of course. Though her grandparents were very impressed by her hair at birth I think you can see it's pretty thin here. She pulls off the little old man look very well, though. Don't you just want to give her a hug? I'm trying to teach her to give hugs but I think it may take a while.


Amanda said...

She is adorable! Thanks for sharing.

modestmuse said...

She has such beautiful eyes! Good for you making the work from home thing work.

Dave said...

the third picture looks like she's winding up for a pretty serious punch to face of whoever is taking the picture. Its never to soon to get her into a boxing ring.

Unknown said...

WOW, those blue eyes are definitely a defining feature. Are they that blue in real life? My mom has blue eyes like that, very unusual color. Anywho, she sure is cute.

abby said...

MJ would you say her eyes are blue or gray?

She looks like the Gerber baby. :)

mj said...

dave - yea that's why i like that one.

her eyes are pretty blue, although it depends on the lighting and such.