25 October 2006


This was going to be about how asparagus makes your pee smell but only forty percent of people can smell it and only forty percent of people produce the smell so, you know, do the math. But instead it's going to be about making relationships work. And compromise. And giving your input. Later. When I'm not late for work.

11/7: Maybe when I'm staying home from work illin'. So I will do a quick summary of the backstory so as not to wax too mundane/personal. It is about a trip to the grocery I took with my dear sweet bf. We were supposed to make a side dish for someone's birthday dinner and he, being the amazing cook that he is, generally takes care of that sort of thing. But then he had this whole thing about why do I always defer to him and I had this thing about well you usually don't like my ideas and you're the cook anyway. blah de blah I was suddenly in charge and wanted to do something with asparagus but the asparagus at the store was gross so we went back to his original plan anyway.

The moral is that communication is hard. And taking turns at making decisions is a bit hard, too. And sort of harder when you love someone. Because you don't want to hurt their feelings and because their feelings can be quite fragile. And a contract like "you get to choose every time it's food, I get to choose every time it's music" probably won't work because people are not segments. But it's really important to learn how to listen. I don't mean normal listening like you're taking notes in school, but gracious and understanding and empathetic listening. It's also really important to learn how to talk. Not just spout off your ideas, but the talk from honest self evaluation, stripped of pride. Totally naked, like asparagus after you peel the outer shell to make spargel suppe. It's hard.

19 October 2006


I am a terrible blogger. Do I care? I am also a cheater. Meanwhile East of Eden is a really good book. And I wrote a new not very good rock song. It's kind of a rock song. It stars LCD and my little bro.

Here are the words:

My boyfriend didn't like this song when I first played it for him
Made it a mockery because he's so smart
He then apologized--it was sincere, so I forgave him
I have some spite left over so he had to forgive me too

I told myself that I wouldn't
succomb to spite
I guess I lied
You see I am just a person
and so much is enough
but I will still try

My little brother's in the desert round a fire circle
There are some things that he would like to learn before he's ready to find his June Carter
He shows the teenagers another way to live that doesn't hurt so bad
Sometimes we all fall down it's in the rules forgive and forget it.

Maybe next time I won't
succomb to spite
over my wounded pride
Though I am just a person
I can do what I want
If I put up a fight

10 October 2006

Kindred Spirits

I am so tired. Darn job. Requiring actual hard work. What is up? Anyway since we're talking Kindred, I'll speak of my kinfolk and how bout my little brother and his plan to have a 48 states in 48 days trip sponsored by some beleagured american car manufacturer next summer? maybe this guy is ripe for the picking. i think he'll take other sponsorships too. soft drinks. wireless mobile devices. whatever. the kid likes the open road. and he likes coming up with ideas that JUST MIGHT WORK.