18 January 2013

Purple Corduroy Jumper

Thirty dang years, you guys. That's the kind of time separation we're talking about. Also, I think this settles it that Big Sis looks more like LCD (except for the hair).

This is approximately 1983:
And of course 2013:

Probably the most surprising thing here is that Big Sis is holding the tag to that dress in her hand. We found her dress in the hand-me-down section of her closet and somehow it has never been worn? Firstly, it can't be less than twenty-five years old, can it? Secondly, how do you just ignore a dress with that incredible paisley/corduroy/duck combination? What genius came up with that anyway? We will be remedying the years of neglect as soon as it is practical. LCD better not try and overrule this.

11 January 2013

Failures and Successes

I'm redoing some of my resolutions this year because they were huge, embarrassing failures last year. (Does "embarrassing" really need to have two double letters in it? It throws me every time. Gah--spelling.) I like resolutions, though, so the fact that I failed does not really discourage me that much. It is such as it is. It was a bad year to (1) be a calmer mom. I had a two-year-old and a newborn. So I'm calling do-over on that one. Also because it matters. I even got a book called Buddhism for Mothers, which I have already read the first chapter of, so this is REAL.

Also re-doing? (2) Increase my spirituality.

But just for a minute let's celebrate the fact that I had a better birth experience AND I  rocked meal planning. I think it is safe to say I am now a step above "adequate" as a cook.

Other than the re-dos, I plan to (3) enjoy my life more this year. My life is pretty darn good, though sometimes trying, and I think I too often drag myself through it. Or at least I did last year. Despite the fact that I birthed a ridiculously sweet baby boy--he is my little love--I just survived a lot of the time. I think I have enough distance now to blame that partly on postpartum depression round two (this time with lots more anger and lots less despair). Update 1/13: I found a quote that really speaks to me in this category while staying home from church for the THIRD time in the last month because someone was puking:
“EACH LAST DAY or EACH LAST WEEK should be the BEST that we have ever experienced, that is, we should advance ourselves a little every day, in knowledge and wisdom, and in the ability to accomplish good.” (Lorenzo Snow)

This is not a resolution, but I also need to earn some green this year. Like a lot more than last year. Sponsor?

Big Sis at the Keyboard

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(If you look closely, you'll see an actual word.)