i pretty much don't have a blog.
anyway, i went to a rock show last friday. some of my friends and i had gotten tickets the day they went on sale like pre-teens for sanjaya or something. (i seriously do NOT know my teen pop stars. just last night i was talking about a song by christina aguilera that lcd told me was actually beyonce.) the show sold out in maybe like an hour. this was back in march. flash forward to may 4 and lcd and myself are strolling into dar constitution hall for the ar-cade fi-re. this was my third experience with the arcade fire and it was grand. it's the sort of band you would really like to be in if you're going to be in a band. you get to shout stuff and bang on things and play every instrument. speaking of which i have a girl crush on regine. she can play EVERYTHING. and her harmony vocals are out of this world sometimes. she makes me want to be a soprano.
anyway i recently got eager about recording again. lcd and i wrote bass and keyboard parts for "picture" and "rosa" and we tried out a few different bass parts for "david brown" and just couldn't get satisfied. i'd like to finish "rosa" in time to give a completed copy to my brother when we go out for his wedding. i need a stellar volunteer drummer. i can dream. and i can live the dream. just you wait.