30 November 2012


Big Sis made up a word.

What does it mean?

"You say it when you fall down on your bum."

Then she demonstrates by running, taking a "fall," and shouting, "stonerstan!"

Every time she says it I picture somebody like this Simpson's character:

(This is Disco Stu. Even though the bus driver, Otto, is clearly a stoner, this guy seems like more of a "Stan" to me.)

Anyway, I just googled "Stoner Stan" and it turns out there's a meme for that. Ugh, there's a meme for everything.

Sometimes I hate the internet.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Hilarious! This is what makes having kids worth it. FWIW, on the radio right now is "Stone in Love" by Journey. It's a sign! Not sure of what, but I'm worried. haha.