16 July 2012

Colorado, we love you a little

You probably know that I went to graduate school in Colorado and am definitely a fan. However, LCD says he is neutral toward Colorado. He said something like "Take away the mountains and there's not much there." To which I said something like "No duh. But why would you take away the mountains?" Mostly I think he doesn't like dogs that much or dog-loving culture. There is a lot of love for dogs in that state. And we went to a lame area of Denver to go somewhere obnoxious and kid-friendly so he figured the whole place must be lame. Overgeneralize much?

That said, he quite liked our vacation there. Whatever, I don't have to understand everything about him. Here's some pictures:

Hiking with the wee one

A got some good Grandpa time

"5-4-3-2-1 . . . Gondola!" was our family chant each time we left a gondola station.

We went on an old-timey train.

No, we don't have triplets. LCD just likes to mess with photos and make them eerie/fun.

The cabin was pretty superb.

After tantruming for a while A walked a LOT of this hike to a glacier. It was pretty rocky and tough.

This guy was there, too.

The eldest cousin found the geocache near our cabin.

This machine is somehow involved with mining.
So we hiked, we toured, we rode things, we ate, we hot-tubbed, we played a couple games, we took naps, we tantrumed, and we swam. It was a great trip and we voted to keep having these little family reunions every year. Oh, A slept in a room with bunkbeds for all her cousins. It. Was. Insane. Hmm, I think I might add some more pics later. Uncle Dk should have a photo of the whole group that I can steal.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Jeff and I liked our little stint in the CO. We would certainly go any time. Maybe next time your fam could do a dude ranch?