25 May 2012

Reality Bites

By which I mean my two-year-old bites her little brother. And then he screams.

Okay so it's not like it happens every day, but I think it would if I gave her the opportunity. I think the key to avoiding a lot of sibling abuse right now is planning a buttload of stuff to do. In an unfortunate side-issue, kid #2 wakes at the crack of dawn (plus the three or four other times) if there is any light in the room. So far our black out curtains suck and also it's the end of May so the crack of dawn is truly early these days. Phew. So I'm alive and I'm grateful and what's more my family is really cute and they will charm the pants right off you when they are not wearing you down. Blessed Friday, I love you.

Here is a cute picture:

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