09 June 2010

chronicling babychievements

[Songwriting Challenge is just two posts down!!!]

This is how we make unnecessary compound words: subtract the space and the first syllable and you are there.

Anyway, I see other parents giving stats on their little tikes so since it's the thing to do, I'm in. Never let a trend pass you by, I say.

Until I get lazy.

At today's six month appointment d'terrior (cuz she hates her shots, you see) the babe weighed in at 14lbs 2oz measuring 24.5" lengthwise, with a 17" head.

I just want to point out that the difference between height and head circumference is 7.5 inches. Just in case no one ever told you babies have huge heads, I will tell you now. Babies have huge heads.

Especially little a. Her height and weight are both on the shrimpy side -- around 20% (so 80% of babies her age are bigger than her), while her head size is around 60%. Yeah. Makes you reminisce about a certain scene from a certain movie in the nineties where a certain character is commenting on the size of another certain character's head.

Here's what she's been doing lately:

Babbling -- she just started doing this in earnest like five days ago and now she won't stop. She's been saying mama! Ok, so it's ma-ma-ma-ma-ma, but whatever. She also says ba-ba-ba-ba-ba. A couple days ago she said Obama. I asked her what she thought of him but she didn't really elaborate.

"The Pattern" -- 1) I help her sit up and she plays in that position until she sees something she has to reach forward for. Then she 2) lunges, and folds her body forward until she is on her stomach. Then she 3)whimpers about being on her stomach and sticks her butt in the air until she 4) rolls over onto her back, where she chills for a while until she gets tired of it and starts 5)doing crunches, whimpering, and looking around for someone to start the whole process over with sitting up.

She was six months on the 5th.

Here's a video:


modestmuse said...

No. 5 in "The Pattern" made me lol :)

Dave said...

huge head = awesome life. I know from experience