01 October 2008

Ch- ch- ch- changes are my favorite

So I've been living in the same metro area for over five years! It's insane. The only plausible explanation would be that I did it for a boy, and that would be basically true. And of course it's worth it.

I have also now been working at my same job for two years, which is easily a record. I sort of tried to leave earlier this year but then I got one of those offers you can't refuse.

Interestingly, one of my biggest fears is stagnation. (Okay I'll confess "interestingly" is an inside joke between me and a co-worker that does not read this blog, based on an email that was sent to us that included a bunch of work for us to do. "Interestingly" was the first word in the email and it had absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the contents, which were the opposite of interesting. Just a common case of adverb overuse, I guess.)

So, yes, staganation. I used to fight stagnation by going to some random location (like a national park) that I'd never been to work for the summer. Now I have to live vicariously through others doing really exciting stuff and take on random projects like say teaching a class, taking a class, doing some pro-bono freelancing, planning a wedding, writing a novel, what-have-you. This way I can ingore when my job gets REALLY boring so that I can continue to collect a paycheck and sock it away for an eventual world takeover (or to buy a house, gosh darnit, silly willy little short sale madness arrgh, me matey!!!).

Also, I occasionally get massive haircuts. Like the one I'm getting today. Two fun bonus things about really massive haircuts: a) you can congratulate yourself for doing good by donating your hair to make wigs for kids and b) you can get someone at a decent salon to cut your hair for free. I would say that these two items are of equal importance to me, but the thing I like most is the big change in appearance. There is some fear involved, certainly (like I hope I don't get really terrible looking too-short boy hair), but that makes it all the more exciting.

Before and After photos to come as events unfold . . .

OK. So no real "normal" before pictures. We were in a hurry, but there was some documentation, via camera phone, as follows:

My luxurious locks. If you look closely, you may see the photographer.

The stylist is cutting into my defenseless little braid!

The look immediately after first chop

The final product, from the back.

Still working on the exact stylin' but I think I like it. Perhaps I'll get a better photo soon, also.

In the meantime I am going on vacation with El Esposo and will be sans internets. "Catch you on the flipside."


abby said...

Thanks for prepping me. I would have been shocked if I saw you at the Metro with your new short hair cut. I liked your hair when it was a bob length but I don't know if your hair is that long. I'm doing the opposite and it's driving me nuts to grow my hair long since it's so slow.

Steve said...

Interesting...Why do you fear stagnation or use that word with such a negative connotation when you could have just as rightly used routine or comfortable habit?!?!? What about not making drastic changes are you afraid of?!?! Sehr interesting, indeed!

mj said...

Oh no. Now you're getting into the psychology of it. I don't know if I'm prepared for that. (You're right, of course). Anyway, like a person afraid of heights going skydiving, I, a person afraid of staying in one place (mostly I think it's just something I learned from moving a lot as a child), married a person who grew up in one place, has a killer pension, and whose whole family is located there.

Steve said...

BTW, where are the new do pics?!?!

Unknown said...

I luv your haircut! I, as it so happens, must live through you and your adventurous spirit that lets you cut your hair that short. I have always wanted to cut my hair that short but a)fear a bad lesbo-style haircut and b)fear boys (who mostly tend to like long hair, or at least swear up and down that is the preferred hairstyle for girls) will not ever ask me out once I do cut it (and, well, I am single so that's kinda important at this stage). So I love your do and wish I could do the same, but just can't seem to bring myself to it.

modestmuse said...

Hey, thanks for the shout out.

I LOVE your new haircut! From what I can see, it's very flattering. Good for you, donating it.

About stagnation/"routine habits" etc.: Constantly seeking new adventures, wherever you are and in whatever form you can, is a great ability. I could never be an entrepreneur, but you are excited to embark. (If my hair EVER grew as long as yours, I couldn't cut it!) To each his own, etc. etc. Before the Foreign Service became a reality, I lived vicariously through an acquaintance (under that title on my blog links). If you set the wheels in motion in whatever direction you want, it'll happen.

Amanda said...

As a newcomer to the blog scene, I am still just a spectator of words. I have yet to venture my own meanderings into cyber distinction. However....reading through your pages of goodness I must say. You make me want be a better blogger.

Nice dew by the way.

Steve said...

Oh, hey! I didn't notice the new pics!!! I like the new cut a lot! Very chic!