22 June 2007

google maps

What's the deal with UPS not being able to find my house? Like i don't have four other roommates that have ordered stuff plenty of times. Like we didn't affix nice bright new numbers to the mailbox. Like any doofus with a computer couldn't view a satellite picture of my house. Those little mischevious fates: discount footwear I ordered does not save me the trip to pick it up after all.

Meanwhile it's lovely when a little annoyance is the only thing standing in your way. I revel in the calm after the storm at work. The calm before the storm is heavy with dread. The calm after the storm is like happy-friday-everything's-gonna-be-alll-riiight time. It reminds me of a song some former cult member friends of mine used to sing:

This whole world is screwed up
And we got no place to go
But I know
It's gonna be all right

Cuz I got my blessed brothers
And I got my beautiful sisters
And everything's
Gonna be all right . . .

Is that even right? Maybe my old friend Buddy is stalking me on the internet and can let me know. That would be kind of delightful in a way.


Steve said...

Well, at least you are trying to update this thing!!! :)

Why did you change your photo? Were you getting internet stalked b/c the other one was so cute. This one doesn't look like you I don't think.

mj said...

the cuteness of the old one just started to feel a little too over-the-top for me. this one does look like me from that particular angle.

Unknown said...

Um, you're like "back" and totally blogging on a semi-regular basis. sweet! I was getting worried, almost made up my own blog and pretended to be you (sniff, as if I could... but it just shows how much I care)

Steve said...

You are such a tease; two posts last month and none this! OIY! Don't make me look for satisfaction elsewhere, ha.

mj said...

i'm still mad at ups. they also failed to deliver my harry potter. big fat jerks.

Steve said...

MJ's Blog Haiku

I once knew a girl,
who wrote witty things in her
blog. But not anymore!