02 March 2007

Hope, Joy and Peace on the web

I thought you might like to know the results of my internet search on the .com versions of Hope, Joy and Peace.

Hope: Lame, lame search engine where all non-crude junk mail goes to die
Joy: Mining machinery
Peace: Interactive computer systems for utilities (like gas, electric) consumers

I was bewildered, but it's my own fault since I used .com

In other news I am wearing a bright orange sweater today, of which my Grandmother would be proud. I am forcing spring.


Anonymous said...

I will testify of the cuteness of the orange sweater. I was amazed she could pull the color off.

Unknown said...

seriously? almost nobody pulls off orange. I think that's one of the reasons prisoners look so drab (okay, there are lots of reasons, they are in bunchy jumpsuits for crying out loud).

Anonymous said...

Write on the blog, MJ. The blog wants you to write on it. The blog misses you.

Steve said...

Hmmm, I can see you in orange!

I was thinking last night of the lunches we had in McPherson Square a couple summers ago last night for some reason. Ahhhh, the good ol'days, ha.